Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Free Play Paragraphs, 3/21/12

How can these concepts enhance your learning as you arrive at a moment when grades no longer matter?

-When grades no longer matter and whatever we do and learn is what we find interesting and something we want to do and learn, we will learn better and enjoy what we are doing more. We will learn freely and with no incentive other than to learn what we want to. 

How can these concepts enhance your ability to master content for the AP exam and other hurdles you have yet to leap?

-I think we can apply this to the AP exam and anything else we will face in the future by finding some reason, other than because we were told that it is something we need to do to get to the next step in life, to do a good job on said hurdle. If we do find a reason we will want to do well and succeed in the exam or whatever else we are doing. It can motivate us to do something we never wanted to do in the first place.

How can you use these concepts to collaborate with and inspire others, to improve the information exchange and overall value of your learning network?

-  We can use these concepts to collaborate with and inspire others, to improve information exchange and overall value of our learning network by coming together find the real reason why we are doing all of this other than the school said so. We can motivate each other in the various topics of education and open new doors in areas of education.

Free Play Socratic Seminar Notes

Some things that we covered in 6th Period

  • Playing is good for children but it must be free playing or playing without guidelines and restriction. Think Spongebob and Imagination (the TV box episode).
  • Adults should also play in the same way but don't due to being self-conscious about how people see them, they are trying to be realistic and worldly.
  • Schools cause this to happen by teaching us with ridged and strict guideline. School tells us to not play and study instead.
  • Learning is good and more people would actively pursue learning if school didn't make learning feel so bad and boring.
  • Kids these days don't want to do anything related to learning as a result, even though they still want to learn they don't like the word "learning" because they associate it with school.
  • In a sense learning has become "tainted" by the schools and their education systems.